Sunday, November 13, 2011

Skyrim Part 4

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC Review

The Dumb Ass gamer Skyrim Short Review.

So what do i think of Skyrim for the PC? From the open nature of do what ever you want to do to the openness of character creation.  

You have total freedom to do what you want and how you want to do it. 

Your character is what ever you want it to be gone are the traditional classes that we are all used too and in comes natural advancement on how you play and what you use. 

You can still specialize when you level pick to increase your mania, health, or stamina then pick from one of the many skill trees to add points into.

Speaking of leveling up put just one point into a specialization you use and you will notice it.

Content wow 13 hours in and i am just now starting the main quest there is so much to see and do in this game (you will get side tracked easy especially if you go exploring around). 

I so far have visited a vary small part of the game world and have over 20 quest to do ranging from a little boy in grief from his mothers death and being send to a orphanage (no spoilers you will have to do the quest yourself) to simply overhearing people in the game talk and getting a quest to stumbling upon a abandon prion and finding a note and you guessed it another quest.

Graphics I would have to say are not OMG but they are vary vary well done for such a open game world, there are truly some amazing sights to be seen from weather effects to the breathtaking view from a mountain top. 

There are some bugs some low textures are used but it is understandable with a game this large also you get things like flying goats where I kill one of them and it flew a good 100 feet away but those are rare.

Mod support No idea but if past games (talking to you Oblivion) are any indication the mod support should be quiet good.

Is the game hard well... there are several different difficulty levels and you can change it in game to make it easier if need be. 

If you decide to get it get the pc version if you can run it as it is much better just be aware for now a xbox 360 pad works best that's not to say a mouse and keyboard wont work and i am sure either they will patch in better key binding or the mod community will fix it Farley fast. 

With that said if you like open world type games and rpg games then you will love this game as it lets you play the type of character you want to play and lets you do what ever you really want to do you can choose between 3ed person as well as the default 1st person view outside of The Witcher 2 I would say this is one of the best rpg's i have played in quiet some time.

So in closing is Skyrim is it worth buying ? Hell yes it is.