Saturday, February 12, 2011

Are you a good gamer?

I have a question for you.
Are you a good gamer? Now I guess I should give a explanation what I mean by that what I mean is more what makes a good gamer and I am not talking about how good of a gamer you are no my friend I am talking about sportsmanship. Now I know I am not the best gamer out there in fps games but then again I play to have fun and enjoy myself you see I don’t care how good or bad I do I care about having a good time now when I get shot in the head and die 10 times sure I get a bit irritated but at myself never at the other player who is more skilled at the game them me. Now let me tell you what I dislike I dislike playing when people who are good at the game complain when they die you know the ones I am talking about they got 25 kills 3 deaths and you happen to get the next kill on them and they call you a hacker right after they call you a noob (mind you all of us are noobs at some point right). These kind of players to me are poor gamers yes yes yes I know they are good at the game but they rune it for other players if you ask me. So my question to you all is what makes a good gamer to you, is it just being good at a game or is it more? What is your take I want to know feel free to post in our forums for further discussion in general discussion.